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July 21, 2008
v 1.0 now available
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KAZIMIR is a log analyzer, fully written in PERL.  It is available under the CeCILL license, which is a French transposition of the GPL  and is fully GPL-compatible.

KAZIMIR looks at several logs of several different types, try to find user defined problematic or pathologic situations in these logs and eventually (based on user-defined configuration) does action to signal or correct the situation. The reason why I developed such a tool is my own job: I was working as a sysadm and it's hard to keep an eye on every log at all time to locate problems when they occur. The detection's procedure could be easily automated, so I write Kazimir to do this work instead of me. Kazimir is written in PERL for two main reasons: it is a fully portable language, and I needed an interpretor for several part of Kazimir, and regexp management was also critical; PERL has such features, and it was a good thing to use the PERL interpretor (that is fully tested and validated) instead of re-writing one from my own. There are several similar tool like Kazimir, some are very simple, some are very complicated. I made Kazimir to be a kind of compromise between all the tools that I've seen. I also added chronological pattern matching (see below), a feature that I needed and found nowhere. I also wanted a tool that I would know well enough to modify it quickly if I had a new need. Writing a new tool was far the best way to achieve this

Designed by CMG Technologies, adapted by Thomas LEIBOVICI
Design downloaded from Free Templates