The following variable are managed by kazimir internally. They can be used by the user, but remember that kazimir will use these variables to
make information available. They can be read, but not be written by the user (kazimir will immediately overwrite them).
$(EPOCH) : The current epoch time
$(SECOND): The seconds of the current time
$(MINUTE): The minutes of the current time
$(HOUR) : The hour of the current time
$(DAY) : The day within the month for the current time
$(MONTH) : The month of the current time
$(YEAR) : The year of the current time
$(WEEKDAY) : The day within the week for the current time (1= Sunday, 7= Saturday)
$(YEARDAY) : The number of the day within the year
$(ISDST) : Information about local time for the current epoch time
$(LAST_ACTION) : The last action that was used
$(LAST_ORDER) : The last order that was used
$(LAST_EVENT) : The last event that was used
$(LAST_TRIGGER) : The last trigger that was used
$(LAST_PATTERN) : The last pattern to be found in any log objects.
$(LAST_LINE) : The last line to be found in all the log objects.
$(LAST_ACTIVE_LINE) : The last line form the log objects where a pattern was found.
$(LAST_EVENT_CHECK) : The epoch time of the last 'Event Check' pass.
$(FICH_EVENT) : The last event file updated by kazimir (useful mostly in 'Action' definitions).
$(KAZIMIR_START_TIME) : The epoch time when kazimir started