Hastables are 'associative arrays of variables'. This is a set of variable to be accessed using a key. Since
hashtable are widespread in PERL, it was easy to implement them into Kazimir. Using hastable is very similar
to using variables only the syntax differs.
When a variable looked like $(var), an entry of a hashtable will look like $(hash["key"]). In
this "key" can be a string or a variable, so it allowed to have syntax like $(hash[ $(key) ]).
Hastable entries can be initialized one by one using the 'Variable' tag. But if you have to initialize ten
items then you will have to it ten times. So the following lines are a correct syntax:
For the moment, hashtables can not be used recursively in order to be keys for other hashtables. I mean that a syntax
like $(h1[ $(h2[ "key" ]) ]) is no valid syntax and will produce an error.