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A few advices about configuration file

This part contains some tips that could be useful when writing kazimir configuration file. If you think things should be added there, just tell me. This part is supposed to be the most dynamic part of the document.
  • try to avoid 'NONE' time format with ASCII file, because kazimir reads the whole file just after opening it. So you could find patterns that occurred a long time ago, and this could generate detections of problem that did not occurred in reality.
  • when defining the event window time, make sure the Kazimir::EventUpdateInt is shorter than this value. If not, you could miss some problem. I advice you to set up the Kazimir::EventUpdateInt half the minimum value in the event window time that you defined 2.8. In a future version of Kazimir, I may automatically adjust the Kazimir::EventUpdateInt that way.

Philippe Deniel 2008-07-22
Designed by CMG Technologies, adapted by Thomas LEIBOVICI
Design downloaded from Free Templates