The Kazimir configuration file is organized in sectionis, each of them identified by a tag. Each of the 'tag identified section' will define an
object that can be a log to watch, an action or an order, a pattern or an event to look for. Each of these objects have specific aspects that
must be clearly defined. For doing this, each tag will be followed by a list of definition looking like . The definitions
are separated by semicolons.
A valid configuration line will be looking like this:
An example is always clearer than a long explanation, these are valid configuration lines:
Log : Name = test_cmd ; TimeFormat = NONE ; Type = CMND_OUT ; Path = date ; UpdateInt = 4
Order: Name = ordre1 ; Event = event4 ; Action = action1 ;
Action: Name = Action1 ; Path = echo 'Perl programming is not a crime !!' ;
The tag that can be used are:
I did not tell you about the variable within the Kazimir configuration file. For the moment, you just need to know that a variable is initiated by the tag 'Variable:' . The way to use them will be shown later in this document.
What we will do now is having a look at each of the other tags.